Your Wild Woman
Your Wild Woman
The Lover and The Huntress.
The Lover Archetype
is a gateway to sensuality, creativity and passion. She feels compelled to fulfill her creative instincts. She is a magnet as her energy field is highly charged and she is full of presence and firmly rooted in the here and now. Her greatest strengths are creativity, independence and pleasure orientation.
Venus of Wilendorf, Hathor, Inanna, Astarte, Mary Magdalene
The Huntress Archetype
is the path to independence and the warrior spirit. She is focused on attaining her personal goals and represents the ability of a woman to pursue a life of her own choosing. Her greatest strengths are: courage, self reliance, goal orientation and often sympathetic to woman's issues.
Ayla from Clan of the Cave Bear, Daenerys from Game of Thrones, Artemis, Wonder Woman Superheroine

Wardrobe, Props, Hair & Makeup
We will take a few mini shoots with different looks. You will need the following or similar.
Red, blue, green and off white dresses and fabric, solid colours, minimal details
Wood Staff
Smoky eyes
Neutral toned partially see through dress
Wild Hair
Large Green Leaves
Fragmentation shots

The Maiden Archetypeis the embodiment of youth and innocence. She is strongly connected to her inner child, good-hearted and is capable of seeing the world with fresh eyes each day. If you are an archetypal Maiden, your playfulness and creativity can light up a room and you are likely to be very optimistic and faithful. She also moves through life intuitively, enjoys helping others and is very open to learning.​Audrey Hepburn, Persesphone, Artemis, Sleeping Beauty​
The Huntress Archetype​is the path to independence and the warrior spirit. She is focused on attaining her personal goals and represents the ability of a woman to pursue a life of her own choosing. Her greatest strengths are: courage, self reliance, goal orientation and often sympathetic to woman's issues. ​​Artemis, Athena, Freyja​These are some feminine archetypes. Others include The Mother, The Maiden and The Saje etc.​​
Earthing​The Earth’s surface holds a tremendous amount of natural energy, commonly known as electrons. Earthing is the practice of tapping into this natural energy by transferring electrons into the body through direct skin contact. ​Walking barefoot in grass, dirt, or sand, unsealed brick, or tile.Submersing yourself in an ocean, lake, or streamTouching rocks or the bark on a tree
​Meditation​Meditation is the practice of focussed concentration. It is the conscious pursuit of bringing yourself back to the moment and maintaining this state of awareness over an extended period of time.​These are some ideas. Others include yoga, working with crystals, drumming and singing bowls etc.​